Stress is a common challenge and issue for leaders. In talking with a client recently, I heard him say, “I thrive on stress. Love it.” Unusual. What he really meant as I probed is that he has found a way to channel his feelings of stress into a productive and motivating engine.

Not everyone is so lucky. We tend to internalize stress and then transfer it to those around us. Research has shown that this transferred stress to our teams is actually a productivity killer. Employees handle stress much poorer than their bosses. So, the best strategy is to reduce our feelings of stress by our choices and actions.

This article from Entrepreneur is right on point.

We need to reduce our stress or at least the impact that it has on us. This includes getting enough rest, exercising, eating right, and realizing that when we feel stress it is because we have allowed ourselves to feel stressed. No one can make you feel stressed. Rather, you choose to feel stressed.